Fort Collins Pasta Cart


The last stop before the night ends after a great concert, comedy show, day outside in the Colorado sunshine. At Street Noods, enjoy delicious affordable pasta dishes, doodling, and stock up on late night essentials. Our menu typically has 2 to 3 pasta items and rotates based on the whims of the owner. So you may not see what you had previously.

If late nights are not your jam, come join us for small scale pasta nights to try out experimental dishes. The night will rotate locations and highlight local producers and spaces.

We open around 5:30/6 and close when we sell out. Check out this page to find the best way for you to keep up to date with where we are and when we’re open!


Dandelions and Rust


Lemon – 10

bucatini tossed in butter, parmigiano, and lemon

Pasta Nights

Pasta Night are dedicated to eat, experiment, build community, doodle, and highlight foods and the people making them in our community. Please join us – Sign up below!


All Events
Farm Nights at On the Vine at Richmond Farms


Our cart is your canvas. Each evening will capture the communities mood and musings in a mosaic drawing of your inspirations, hopes, dreams, poetry, drunken squiggles, confessions, and whatever else your heart can come up with. Please come, have fun, keep it clean and try it out. Grab a bowl of noodles while you’re at it.

I only ask you use our pre-supplied dry erase markers. Please leave your sharpies at home. It’s not fun to clean, I promise. Doodle on!

Stay Updated

Below are different ways you can keep updated with Street Noods. Where we are and what pasta we’re serving! If none of these options work for you and you need another way of keeping in touch that we’re not offering, let us know!

subscribe to our weekly schedule text (coming soon)

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